Ahead of Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal's wedding, a photo of their invitation card has gone crazy viral on social media and the Internet can't keep calm. The couple will get married at Six Senses Resort, Fort Barwara in Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan tomorrow. The wedding invitation card is all things pretty - made in a pastel pink shade with floral borders, Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal's names can be seen printed in gold on the card. Going by the text on the invitation card, it appears it was distributed by Vicky Kaushal's family. The text above the couple's names read: "Sham and Veena Kaushal request the pleasure of your company at the wedding ceremony of his beloved son Vicky with Katrina Kaif, daughter of Mohammed Kaif and Suzanne Turquotte."